Friday, June 29, 2007

Wendy’s Chili – Fast Food and Fiber

There are times when you just have to make a stop at a fast food restaurant due to the busy schedules we all seem to have. Maintaining good food choices can be tough when you turn to fast food for lunch. Luckily for me right between two of my offices is a Wendy’s. I am not a big Wendy’s fan but they do have one menu item that fits very well into my diet.

Wendy’s chili is both tasty and Weight Watchers points effective. A small chili is only four points while the large is 6.5 points. Those figures are without the optional cheese that they will offer you. I also do not eat the crackers they give you either. The small chili which is about eight ounces has five grams of fiber.

The next time you are going to succumb to a cheeseburger just because you are busy give the Wendy’s chili a try.


Lift Heavy Rock said...

Thanks for the tip. I have never tried the chili. Good luck with your weight loss. It looks like you're doing a great job.

Joey said...

Thanks for stopping by. You are also doing well.